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Tux's lil' helper
Tux's lil' helper

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 16, 2003 8:57 pm    Post subject: PDA/Cellphone question Reply with quote

I though this would fit in the laptop category...

Anyway, my whole life's a mess and I need a PDA.
Now, I am basicly incapable of multitasking, so there's three things in my life and only three that I can keep track on at all times, my keys, my cellphone and my wallet (thank god).
So I was thinking of getting one of these new combined cellphones/PDA's.
Motorola had a cheap offer here recently and I guess there's gonna be more such to come.
What I need, apart from cellphone functions (phone, SMS), is a calendar that can keep track of monthly adn weekly and daily business as well as lose appointments, to remind me of what I should do (like take a shower and so (yes, I'm THAT inept)), take notes, etc. etc.
MP3/OGG player, games, file-transport etc. would be nice too.
I know what functionality I need, roughly, but since I've never had a PDA before, I'm wondering how well it will work with my Linux computer.
Is there different syncing protocols, and are there programs to take care of this?
Do I need a cradle?
What should I consider when buying it so that it will work well with my Linux system?
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Joined: 16 Jun 2002
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Location: Manchester, UK

PostPosted: Tue Oct 21, 2003 7:11 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

The Ericssons are nice, I use the T68i - and use multisync to sync it with evolution (over bluetooth or serial cable). It does phone book, calendar, dial - up etc.

I did use a Handspring for a while, but it was too bulky to carry round all the time...
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