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qmail/vpopmail/courier-imap/squirrelmail howto v1
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Joined: 03 Apr 2003
Posts: 28

PostPosted: Thu Oct 23, 2003 12:55 am    Post subject: qmail/vpopmail/courier-imap/squirrelmail howto v1 Reply with quote

After about 2 months of fiddling I believe I finally hit the sweet spot with the above config. I decided to do a howto to see if other people were having a hard time and see if my way only worked for me or will help everyone out. Here goes

1) Set mysql, apache, and maildir as use flags

2) emerge qmail and follow instructions at the end of the email except for the line for qmail-pop3d (I use courier's pop)

3) emerge vpopmail follow the instructions by using mysqlcc or the command line to make a database called vpopmail and a user vpopmail. Edit /etc/vpopmail.conf to enter the relevant database info. Create group vchkpw if it wasn't made (groupadd vchkpw)

4) ACCEPT_KEYWORDS="x86" emerge courier-imap
the above line assumes x86 architecture of course. This merges courier which we will use for imap and pop access. MAKE SURE YOU ARE USING VERSION 2.X. I could not get 1.x to work properly.
The changes to make: To /etc/courier-imap/authdaemonrc you must change the authmodule selections to be only authvchkpw. Then alter /etc/courier-imap/imapd and pop3d to use authvchkpw for authmodule instead of authdaemon, change the Maldir=Maildir instead of .maildir. Lastly change the IMAPDSTART=NO to YES as well as POP3DSTART to YES. Start courier-imap (/etc/init.d/courier-imapd start and /etc/init.d/courier-pop3d start)

5) emerge squirrelmail and run the script to config your domain and any other options you wish, or you can use another web client like imp/horde/etc.

6) Now in qmail you can double check all your settings. I don't think there is anything else that needs to be configured, but this is a first draft. Let me know if something doesn't work.

7) Install qmailadmin from source. Download from, untar and attemp to ./configure, make and make install from its directory. I get 2 errors in make I believe where I had to add some directives, but I just added them and it worked fine. It installs it to /home/httpd/cgi-bin

8) type vadddomain your.domain password
Password should be an actual password. This will let you surf to http://localhost/cgi-bin/qmailadmin and login with postmaster your domain you added and the pass you entered to start administering it. Pop and imap should work at this point, with you using as the login. You may also add users etc with vadduser But this can also be done via qmailadmin.

My AIM name in canisater, so if you need help you can drop me a line and I will do what I can. Le t me know how this works and I will update it as I try it again later this week, but I just wanted to try and help.

I want to die peacefully in my sleep like my granfather did, unlike all the passengers in his car.
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