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Uninstalling dbus and *kits (to Unfacilitate Remote Seats)
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Joined: 05 Mar 2008
Posts: 826

PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 4:22 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Over in a new topic of mine:

Mozilla Cloud non-Decryptable Download?

(which I can not change the subject of the topic into the one above yet, for reasons easily understood if you read there)

I had posted this:

I recently wrote:
Not sure at all what this will come out.

993e1cf1d0305fa519c9941189221c01b974d3596de21615768e20a7e521eac4 some-file
73a1f52a202450bab08632362bb74d38f4b1cbd8b45f92cbaf2314eb225d406f some-other-file

I make make un unrelated post (planned previously) out of this.

However, if this is something interesting (just take a look at how interesting this topic of mine

SSL Decode & My Hard-Earned Advice for SPDY/HTTP2 in Firefox

appears to be; currently3498 views), it is important that the files don't be easily dismissed as unauthentic.

Patience, I kindly ask of readers.


and before you know it, there was this reply:

khayyam wrote:
miroR wrote:
However, if this is something interesting (just take a look at how interesting this topic of mine [...] appears to be; currently3498 views), it is important that the files don't be easily dismissed as unauthentic.

miro ... yes, and if you include a URL in every post you make (as you do) then crawlers will harvest those links, and so the views increase ... isn't technology amazing. Your posts, this one especially, are esencially nonsensical, and you seem to be under the impression that people are reading.

best ... khay

Now, since I do not want to disturb that topic... It has been sufficiently disturbed by that khayyam's remark, and since I am a little sick of such topic-pooping, I want to post a few words about it here, not there.

Because this topic (the "Uninstalling dbus and *kits (to Unfacilitate Remote Seats)" is over, technically.

It is technically over, this topic. There is little technical to add about it, other than start a new topic.

But that one is NOT.

But I will write a few more words about it, when I find tine... Because on top of the fact that I work at turtle-speed even at my best, I've also been working at only 10-20% effectiveness, and that only when I managed to get out of bed. Just allergy, but a very very disruptive one...

I'll try and explain why exactly here, I want to post. But it is in brief: this khayyam guy just can't get over our little clash that we had here, and to understand why he decided to try and poop out that new topic of mine, it is necessary to remember what happened here btwn me and him.

Just go back to my, I think, second previous post of mine in the third (first previous) page of this topic:

<this same topic>

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Joined: 02 May 2003
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 05, 2015 9:37 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

miroR wrote:
I wonder, as this topic approaches 20,000 (twenty thousand) views, where do people come to it for such relatively huge number of views? Only from forums.gentoo,org? I doubt.

If it can help, i can answer to this one, as the number of views seems like an obsession and a proof of usefulness of the topic or usefulness of its content.

Sorry, i think i come like 10000 times viewing again and again your post, not because i'm interest by their content that is dirty and hard to read, and not understandable even you speak about something i know (that's amazing!).

I keep coming to see the Mirror's show!!!
When i want craziness and drama, i check OTW, but if any Mirror's post get bump, the hole between OTW amateurism vs the professionalism from your thread in these subjects is so big that i prefer comes to read your thread.

You get lot of views because your threads are so weird, that human curiosity keep driving us there to get our dose of madness.
What you could do is opening a poll and ask people what they think about your threads value (ps: don't forget to offer the madness choice in it) and you'll see if i'm telling you the truth or if your threads are the value you think they are.
I'm sure everyone will be glad to answer your poll thread.
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Joined: 05 Mar 2008
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 05, 2015 11:29 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

There's another one who likes to play dirty talk on me, including really invented assumptions, this time it's krinn.

Well, I don't have time for him, in this topic, which is, as I said in the previous post, technically over.

Just maybe to ask readers how right or wrong was my assumption on dbus and associates that I posted this topic about, and khayyam wanted, so forcefully, me to basically back up and admit that I was wrong (on that and some related issues)?

Now that the poetterpeople fight so hard to put dbus into the kernel...

How right or wrong was my assumption made ahead of these new developments:

kdbus in the kernel

How right or wrong was my assumption made ahead of these new developments?

And maybe I should also point readers to:

Upgrading Debian to Devuan Stable (aka Jessie 1.0)

where find the offer upfront, one of first things to do in Devuan, to uninstall dbus...

(I'm linkng there to get the readers, esp. newbies, to understand the issues. Devuan is the good honest fork of Debian; Debian, the once-leader on which lots of system --not Gentoo-- were based, has kind of busted itself by choosing to go the systemd way.)

"Uninstalling dbus and [related ware]"

is the right thing to do, and in essence, what you do when you rid your machines of those programs is, you:

"Unfacilitate Remote Seats"

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Joined: 05 May 2004
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 05, 2015 3:37 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Let's try an interesting experiment here. I'd like to bring up a practical technical issue, related to the topic.

I have a system where I've removed the *kit stuff. That also includes udisks.

I also run Calibre, to manage my Kobo e-reader. Recently I plugged it into this system again, and found that Calibre no longer talks to it. Makes sense, because udisks is gone. But even if I connect the Kobo first, manually mount it as a drive, then start Calibre, it still doesn't see it.

Does anyone else have experience in this area?
.sigs waste space and bandwidth
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Joined: 05 Mar 2008
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 05, 2015 4:28 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

depontius wrote:
Let's try an interesting experiment here. I'd like to bring up a practical technical issue, related to the topic.

I have a system where I've removed the *kit stuff. That also includes udisks.

I also run Calibre, to manage my Kobo e-reader. Recently I plugged it into this system again, and found that Calibre no longer talks to it. Makes sense, because udisks is gone. But even if I connect the Kobo first, manually mount it as a drive, then start Calibre, it still doesn't see it.

Does anyone else have experience in this area?

Not familiar with Kobo e-reader and Calibre.

However, how I believe, and really not imposing it, like some tried to impose their opinioon on me...

However, how I believe you can best deal with those particular programs and the issue that you have: yes it's good that other people who uninstalled dbus and *kits have your issue here for reading, but it is best to start a new topic, and, importantly, place a link to that new Kobo e-reader and Calibre topic of yours in this topic, just a link.

That will also help others with their transition!

As the transition to dbus has caused various issues to people. The one-ring cravers whom poetter-poeple work for, have sunken their hooks in lots of places...

Regards, depontius!
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