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Heren n00b

Joined: 19 May 2014 Posts: 72 Location: China
Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2014 1:56 pm Post subject: [SOVLED]安装flash USE问题 |
在网上搜来很多安装flash的 教程,很多都是从官网下载然后减压放在既定目录,不知道是方法不对还是不适用于现在的系统。都没有成功,尝试emerge ,但对于USE实在无法搞懂,面对复杂的依赖关系 ,不知道如何下手。望成功安装的朋友指导一下。谢谢
Code: | [Gentoo tyler # emerge www-plugins/adobe-flash
!!! Found 2 make.conf files, using both '/etc/make.conf' and '/etc/portage/make.conf'
* IMPORTANT: 1 news items need reading for repository 'gentoo'.
* Use eselect news to read news items.
Calculating dependencies... done!
[ebuild N ] dev-util/automoc-0.9.88
[ebuild N ] kde-base/oxygen-icons-4.12.5 USE="(-aqua) -bindist"
[ebuild N ] dev-libs/libattica-0.4.2 USE="qt4 -debug (-qt5) {-test}"
[ebuild N ] app-crypt/qca-2.0.3 USE="(-aqua) -debug -doc -examples"
[ebuild N ] dev-libs/libdbusmenu-qt-0.9.2 USE="-debug -doc {-test}"
[ebuild N ] kde-base/kde-env-4.12.5 USE="(-aqua)"
[ebuild N ] www-misc/htdig-3.2.0_beta6-r3 USE="ssl"
[ebuild N ] media-gfx/exiv2-0.23-r1 USE="nls zlib -contrib -doc -examples -static-libs -xmp" LINGUAS="-de -es -fi -fr -pl -ru -sk"
[ebuild N ] media-fonts/liberation-fonts-2.00.0-r1 USE="X -fontforge"
[ebuild N ] dev-qt/qttest-4.8.5 USE="exceptions (-aqua) -debug -pch"
[ebuild N ] dev-qt/designer-4.8.5 USE="exceptions qt3support (-aqua) -debug -declarative -pch (-phonon) -webkit"
[ebuild N ] dev-qt/qtopengl-4.8.5 USE="exceptions qt3support (-aqua) -debug -egl -pch"
[ebuild N ] sys-auth/polkit-qt-0.103.0 USE="-debug -examples"
[ebuild N ] dev-qt/qtxmlpatterns-4.8.5 USE="(-aqua) -debug -pch"
[ebuild N ] app-misc/strigi-0.7.8 USE="dbus exif fam qt4 -clucene -debug -ffmpeg -inotify (-log) {-test}"
[ebuild N ] media-plugins/gst-plugins-soup-0.10.31
[ebuild N ] dev-qt/qtwebkit-4.8.5 USE="exceptions gstreamer jit (-aqua) -debug -icu -pch"
[ebuild N ] dev-qt/qtdeclarative-4.8.5 USE="accessibility exceptions qt3support (-aqua) -debug -pch -webkit"
[ebuild N ] app-misc/media-player-info-21-r1
[ebuild N ] media-libs/phonon-4.6.0-r1 USE="gstreamer (-aqua) -debug -pulseaudio -vlc (-zeitgeist)"
[ebuild N ] media-libs/phonon-gstreamer-4.6.3 USE="alsa network -debug"
[ebuild N ] kde-base/kdelibs-4.12.5 USE="acl alsa bzip2 fam handbook mmx nls opengl policykit spell sse sse2 ssl udev udisks upower -3dnow (-altivec) (-aqua) -debug -doc -jpeg2k -kerberos -lzma -openexr -semantic-desktop {-test} -zeroconf"
[ebuild N ] kde-base/katepart-4.12.5 USE="handbook (-aqua) -debug"
[ebuild N ] sys-auth/polkit-kde-agent-0.99.0-r1 USE="(-aqua) -debug" LINGUAS="-ca -ca@valencia -cs -da -de -en_GB -eo -es -et -fi -fr -ga -gl -hr -hu -is -it -ja -km -lt -mai -ms -nb -nds -nl -pa -pt -pt_BR -ro -ru -sk -sr -sr@ijekavian -sr@ijekavianlatin -sr@latin -sv -th -tr -uk -zh_TW"
[ebuild N ] kde-base/kdesu-4.12.5 USE="handbook (-aqua) -debug"
[ebuild N ] kde-base/khelpcenter-4.12.5 USE="(-aqua) -debug"
[ebuild N ] www-plugins/adobe-flash- USE="kde sse2 -debug (-selinux)"
The following license changes are necessary to proceed:
(see "package.license" in the portage(5) man page for more details)
# required by www-plugins/adobe-flash (argument)
>=www-plugins/adobe-flash- AdobeFlash-11.x
Use --autounmask-write to write changes to config files (honoring
CONFIG_PROTECT). Carefully examine the list of proposed changes,
paying special attention to mask or keyword changes that may expose
experimental or unstable packages.
!!! The following installed packages are masked:
- sys-power/upower-0.9.23::gentoo (masked by: package.mask)
# Rick Farina <> (6 Jun 2013)
# Pm-utils based hibernate and suspend support has discontinued.
# For continued support, use the upower-pm-utils fork or systemd.
# Systemd users can switch to a systemd profile or unmask <sys-power/upower-0.99.0
# Openrc users can "emerge -C upower && emerge -1 upower-pm-utils"
For more information, see the MASKED PACKAGES section in the emerge
man page or refer to the Gentoo Handbook.
| ]
Last edited by Heren on Tue Jun 10, 2014 4:33 am; edited 2 times in total |
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druggo Guru

Joined: 24 Sep 2003 Posts: 328 Location: Hangzhou
Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2014 1:56 pm Post subject: |
Code: | USE="-kde" emerge -av adobe-flash |
_________________ AMD FX-8300 / Loongson-2f (lemote-yeeloong) |
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Heren n00b

Joined: 19 May 2014 Posts: 72 Location: China
Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2014 3:56 am Post subject: |
druggo wrote: | 看来是默认开了kde的USE,可以暂时关闭kde进行安装:
Code: | USE="-kde" emerge -av adobe-flash |
druggo,thanks ,已经好了,还需要添加证书
Code: | echo "www-plugins/adobe-flash AdobeFlash-11.x" >> /etc/portage/package.license |
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